June 14, 2011

Thinking Out Loud Again

I've been giving this CC issue a lot of thought. Currently I have 101 folders in my Downloads and some of those have sub-folders. I wanted some way to organize what I had but sadly things got confusing. I tried to categorize things by category for Build or Buy. But that is a double edged sword. For example, you download a picture or a sculpture only to find that it was cloned from a plant. Same with rugs. Or they end up in Miscellaneous (which should be banned IMHO).

And I have some sub-folders for creators/sites. And sets. Which is good if you ever lose a mesh and need to remember where it came from. However you get the creator who recolors and tacks their name and the original creator's name on the file. Where would that go? I could go on...

So I made a new list of categories per the way the game sorts. I will still have a ton of folders and the same issue of pictures being plants, etc. It occurred to me that I could simply do the following:

  • BUILD (everything Build mode)
  • BUY (everything Buy mode)
  • BODY SHOP (clothing, Hair, skintones, accessories, brows, eyes, facial hair, make-up)
  • HACKS (because they need to be in their own folder)

That way even if I do a sub-folder by creator/site it won't be such an overwhelming file structure. Although looking at the Body Shop category separating those would be tricky. Some accessories are make-up for example. And some hair and clothing meshes are hard to tell if they are male or female.

I'd love some feedback on this. Bear in mind I currently have over 55,000 files and I am still not done re-installing things for the lots I need to replace. o_0

Some random shots under the cut...

I never really play with pets much. Heck I never really get a chance to play at all. Even though Peri has a cat (Saffron) and Gemma has a cat (Merlot) I usually ban them from lots because you have to manage what they do. But Autumn wanted a bird so she got one. She named the bird TeeLee. And she is very good at playing with and caring for the thing - well except for the one time she left the cage door open and the bird ran amok upstairs (I guess that should be flew amok)

Autumn may follow in her big brother Nature Boy, err Nic's footsteps.

I just adore when they do this. See even seniors still get it on once in awhile. I guess we know where Cooper's libido came from, yes?

Garrett Savage in their new home. He was bored so he made a lemonade stand. I think he has quite the business sense. Just like his papa Slim and big brother Will. My mind is too feeble to recall what that organization was that you could join in high school where you made a business...all I can come up with is Future Farmers and I know that is wrong.

This shot cracked me up. It's like he is an evil overlord plotting to take over the world. Between his mom Bonni and his dad Slim I have no idea how this kid ended up with 1 Nice point.

I kid you not.


  1. I used to have my CC organised by creator and then function but honestly, I so rarely need to find a specific file that I didn't see why I was putting myself through so much hassle. I just organise them by function now and leave it at that. My folder is terribly disorganised but I'd rather be playing and blogging, you know?

    "Between his mom Bonni and his dad Slim I have no idea how this kid ended up with 1 Nice point."

    I do. The way the game assigns personality points is really screwed up. Basically, it assigns nice points last, so you often have only one point left by the time it gets around to it. I was getting way too many 1 nice point Sims borne of very nice parents, so I reassign personality points manually now. I've got a system set up where the personality is based partly on genetics, with a little bit of randomness to keep it interesting.

    But even nice kids like to Torment sometimes, for some reason!

  2. Carla, I have been struggling with a good way to organize my CC for ages. I think that by sharing lots with Beth as well as downloading them (because I cannot build) compounds my problems with CC. And those alphanumeric recolors...don't get me started on those.

    I do tweak the personality points occasionally, especially with someone who should be shy and has mega Outgoing points. I'd love to know your system...

  3. Future Business Leaders of America? I think that's right and even if it isn't, it sounds like a club that cute little future overlord would join, lol!

  4. I've developed a strange mix of CC file saving schemes. I save everything I download in a separate file with some kind of descriptive title and the date I installed it. It's the only way I've been able to defend myself against crashes. Once it's been in there for a while and it's not causing trouble, I'll merge that folder with a function folder. Sometimes. Sometimes I just let them sit there like that for months. However, I like having the folders saved by creator since I have to remove whole blocks from time to time. If my DL files start to go over 45,000, I have problems and I'll take out stuff I haven't used in a while. A lot of the Reflex CC is now sitting on my desktop. If it blows up a mesh, I'm resigned to just dealing with it and replacing whatever I lost.

    Garrett is something else. So is Autumn...

  5. Lunar, that might be it. I also came up with Junior Achievement? Gah my poor feeble mind. But yes he would definitely be a member.

    Beth, I get the shakes when I think about ripping apart the creator folders but every time I get a duplicate file now it takes down the game which makes no sense. And scrolling through over 55,000 files in Clean Installer to eliminate dupes isn't working for me. As in it takes too long. Since I have limited myself to where I download things from these days maybe it won't be too hard to keep things sorted by sites.

    Autumn had Hugs over and they both wore TeeLee out. And Garrett brought Riley home from school. They were wearing nearly the same thing. I need more boy clothes.

  6. Good luck with the CC organization. I know it seems like a long shot at this point, but if there's something in there that's causing the crashes, I hope you can find it.

    Autumn is so cute with her new pet :D

    I don't really look at my Sims' in-game personalities ever. The only time I do is if a child who hasn't really developed a character yet is about to age up to teen; then I peek at the personality so I can choose a reasonable aspiration. That being said, the ones I do end up seeing sometimes surprise me. Severin only has about three or four nice points. Laralita's son Searle has something like six or seven.

  7. Love those shots of Autumn and Garrett, and yes he does look like he's plotting to take over the world in that one, lol.

    I think organizing by function is a good idea, and yes the subfolders can abound but it's a necessary evil. I'll just say that when I was testing CC it made things a lot easier to just lift out all the "buy mode" or all the "build mode". Every time I've gone through this it was always, always some buy mode object that was the problem and being able to sift through just that folder was a little more tolerable.

    I would also suggest taking out any modular stairs or walls or things of that nature and then testing the game. As I was doing this about a month or two ago I stumbled onto the fact that that was the issue in my game. Everytime I clicked on the stairs menus in build mode...crash. I took them out and everything worked again. I just had to re-download them and the txt file and now they seem to work fine. They may have been corrupt or clashed with some other thing...I don't know. As far as I'm concerned they are hacks so it might not hurt to treat them as such and test them out a little. In any event I hope you find the problem soon.

  8. Muze, I have some of those missing/bad modular stairs but I don't know how to get rid of them.

    Gayl. As long as the character CC is intact, everything else is just furniture. It can be replaced.

  9. Gayl, my system is fairly simple. For each personality trait, I roll for whether I'm going to leave it as is or change it to match the mother, the father or an average of the two. It takes just a couple of minutes and I feel like I get more varied personalities as a result. :)

    I use Hook's Random Stuff to do my rolls.


  10. I do the same thing that you're doing, same categories..or at least I was. Things are so improperly named and its a pain in the ass to open them all in SimPE to find out what they are..so I eventually made a "Gigantic Folder of Greatness" to throw all of my crap in. Plus a separate one for hacks and NB objects and of course my own creations. lol! It's pathetic..I try to organize, but it's overwhelming unless you start over..which is also overwhelming..=_=!


Thanks for leaving me your thoughts ~ they always mean a lot.

In Perfect Harmony

In June of 2007 I posted my first chapter of Dark December. Since that time, the story has evolved and changed in part through a collaboration that developed and lasted over 4 years. During this time a friendship was forged. Thank you Beth, for unwavering friendship, support, and generosity over these last 4+ years. It has been a journey I will never forget.

"Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain."

In dreams, the sun sets in our eyes
In dreams, we'll never be apart
In dreams, I'll promise you'll never be alone
How much I wish your voice could send me home